As you can see, I haven't managed to come up with a decent name for this post. Not to worry. Over the weekend, a few skills increased such as electrician (+2), DIY (+3) and lawn mowing (+2). These 3 skills currently belong to the common sense sphere, but you can choose as many spheres as you like. Remember, you're in control here!
As for current buffs and debuffs, the weekend working outdoors means I now have the mosquito temp debuff (itchyness +5), the good days work buff temp buff and the large pile of laundry debuff which doesn't really have any effect other than a time defecit (so -time I guess, and of course the random stat mods associated with doing laundry).
Unlike linear games, free will uses sliders that go both up and down. There are positive and negative. I figure most MMOs are virtualisations of real life in one form or another so it makes sense that real life has more sliders, stats and skills than you could shake a stick at. I'll list a few more in 3 days.