Routine. Any freedom in that? Sure: how about the freedom from thought?
Some freedoms aren't as good as others. Heh, the freedom to choose freedoms, now that's a good one. All freedoms have limits. Bush said there ought to be limits to freedom. Not sure if he was joking, but there are.
You've the freedom of your time up to when you get hungry or thirsty. Then you lose a freedom to your body. This one loss starts the domino effect. You have to go find food and/or water (usually water).
What would life be like if we didn't need food or water? Now that I think about it Jesus said a lot about bread and water.
Let's say you could still eat and drink for fun. No famine, that's a given. Pestilence? That'd take a hit for sure. Plenty of folks died from bad food and water. War? Majorly hit too. Food competition is out of the equation so all we fight over are things like natural resources. Not sure if oil would still cause problems. Death? Hard to say. Isn't aging caused by oxidization? Call an expert in.
Most of what I'm writing about has already been written elsewhere. The difference is that I'm piecing it all together for myself from places like books and modern media.
The grand objective remains. This perhaps brings in a third need.