Tuesday, September 29, 2009

#65 Procrastination as an art form

Time well spent. What is that exactly? I think it was W H Auden who reckoned we're here to help other people. No idea what everyone else is here for mind. Not to worry. I just hope everyone can get along without fighting.

Right now I'm supposed to be thinking about what I'm going to say tomorrow morning as part of my presentation for my cognitive psychology class. 1 LED in a galaxy of supernovae. How different would the world be if we could all clone ourselves and have a good chat. Cup of tea wouldn't do any harm here either.

Got a good book about the hindenburg (terrible mess that) today. Dad should be pleased.

This blog never really had a point. Merely as a series of breadcrumbs on the wayside that might help me look back some day. I hope it'll do some good. I know I will.