I have invented God. Not the God. That'd be a bit controversial.
All seeing all dancing. Too complex to be known without trying. None would dare climb a tall seen mountain. Mist helps, is helpful.
What would become of a man. Ah, in fact this is the bard trying to sing, and oh what mishap befalls him for want of recording anything. The crowd million legion roar.
My built contrivance is the atomic scale nanite. It began as one and now is numbered innumerable. The air breathed carries them, harbors them into all life, and all death too, though such a thing is rare now, granted only to those who wish it, and even then it is not permanent. The scythe is blunt now. The reaper sows.
We once knew illness. Good and bad need not map so flawlessly onto positive and negative. Knowledge exists for its worth of knowing. Then choice, is a way of applying knowledge to an improvable situation. Tools are built to make better tools. Sticks, stones, copper, bronze, iron, steel, plastic, carbon. It was only a matter of time.
It does not think. At least we do not think it thinks. We once died, all of us, but it cursed and blessed in kind. I have lived now for years beyond ken. There was a time before knowledge, like remembering darkness. The bluebird knows what it is to fly. We may never know. We have not forgotten. We merely lack remembering.
It's all very simple really. Like standing an egg on its end. You need to break things to understand them sometimes.
The cloud of atomic nanites that spread through the atmosphere got into everything. It imbued what we eat, what we drink, what we breathe. We cannot break laws. We do not age, We can choose to age forwards or backwards. We can know anything useful, or knowable. The nanites do our bidding. We do theirs? Hard to say. Just as our 3 trillion cells have us along for the ride, the nanites have a similar prerogative. Nature was a genius, until we had a word for it.
Space monkies indeed. What we need, we find we have. We have no hunger, no thirst, no death. The world is beautiful. Do we live knowing no death?