Can't write this now.
God demands we choose free will, even though he's deterministic. Quixotic much? (ha, spelled that right too!)
Yeah, you're alive.
Free will is choice. Choice relies on knowledge. Knowledge points to determinism to make the best choice. In a rational system of course. God is rational, right? Requires belief to exist? If so, how much? 51%? So if a war breaks out between two diametrically opposed religious factions, the fanatics kill each other off. Whoever is left on either side is either the victor or rational enough to realise religion is actually a bad idea that causes more problems than it solves.
Your span is so short young mayfly, yet ye do not despair. Our best minds die and wither just as they have come to maturity. An unlimited storage medium that has a time limit or a limited storage medium with no time limit.
A: God gave man choice
B: Man chose to create God
Good chicken egg style one there.
I took that Avonex on Independance day. Irony much? The human mind IOS looks like a lava lamp texturemapped with a black and white diamond tile pattern. The tiles are pretty small. Think Spectrum ZX graphics demo.
It might have been a dream.
I am forced into free will, because decisions made on my behalf won't leave me half as miserable or happy as my own. Flaming Tit would simply die.
Just hold together. Hold together dammit! If we can make it to 2037 we'll be in the clear.