Wednesday, January 27, 2010

#80 Good as new

It's best not to say things I'll regret later. Now I have to wonder, is a regret for a thing said an easier burden than a regret from a thing unsaid?

I went to my first assembly language class today. It went well. I managed to get the first section of the assignment done. All I have to do now is learn how to code up for loops and if-else statements. Then I have to figure out how to serialise pixels in from an external source. A simple case of boil down work the problem. Plenty of good questions for the lab on Friday. I hope the chaps in the Engineering block has spare PCs.

Turns out I do need a laptop though. The LG 30" screen I have my eye on costs a grand. Chickens, eggs, hatch. I'd prefer to wait until SSD drives are common in laptops (about 2011), but there's no question that there'd be benefit. Mo money mo problems. I'm getting by without it so I should continue thus. Things owned, things own you. All trades are their tools, without which they are but men (and women). Doctors are helpless without modern pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceuticals? Yep, got it first time. So too are mechanics found wanting without the tools of their trade. I sought to become better by knowing, and having the means to know, to garner, inquire, ascertain. To learn. So I became a computer nerd.

I'll hate myself in 5-10 years reading this. I just know it. Sincerest apologies to mine future self. It's my fault you didn't turn out the way you wanted to be.

I guess regret works in both directions.

Are brainwaves a field or a particle?

My exam results. poo. D-. Tailstrike scrape-by. 230 quid for to do the resit. poopoo.And I know I can do better. A costly mistake. I hope benevolence can pick up the tab.

Not time critical thankfully. For problems in life I think perhaps it important to distinguish between those with a critical time component and those that don't. You could easily argue that all problems (which are sometimes solutions to other problems that we don't see) have a time component of one kind or another.

I'll be alright. It's just that the waiting game sucks. Folks are working my case and deserve thanks. I think they know who they are.