Saturday, January 30, 2010

#81 Not quite what I had in mind

I've never blogged this far away from home before. Pubs bore me dreadfully. I knew I was bored when I found a speck in the paint on the wall. I looked up at it and thought, "This is the most remarkable wall speck I've ever seen." True enough, it did resemble a halbadier, but at that very moment, I realised how wretchedly bored I was. Pubs are not for me. I'm beginning to think Cons (as in conventions) aren't for me either. 200 miles and 4 hours on a bus for this? Deary me. Dreary me too far that matter.

Pascals chart needs updating if Aubrey de Grey gets it right. Adding 2 more variables will make things a lot more complicated. I'm still ending up with permutations of the old question set, but I had hoped for a few answers. Wishful thinking.

Stains wash, wounds heal, memories fade, eventually. What power we would have if we could forget!