Thursday, February 18, 2010

#84 Thems the breaks

I died on Monday and came back a blink later. My ankle is broken. My motorcycle is not damaged, though it would be best to have it checked.

My ankle is broken. It was an accident. I hit a slippy patch on the road. I hit a patch of gravel on the road. My back wheel lost traction. It bobbled. I aimed for the kerb. The front wheel bounced over the kerb. The bike landed well, albeit on my right leg.

My ankle is broken. I cannot walk without crutches.

I will be alright. There are challanges ahead. I think I'm worried. No adjectives. It feels swollen.

My ankle is broken and I'm wiggling my toes. It will heal. I think I could apologise to it again. Sorry right ankle.

Morphene is most interesting.

Accidents happen. After so many journeys, I suppose the statistics finally got me.

As is this blog, I must decide if I want to sail forth to health and forget about the mishaps or rue the day. Was Torment right?

Seo linn an ceacht.
Lessons rarely leave scars. Scars usually leave lessons