Thursday, February 4, 2010

#82 Where's the fun in that?

I'll try my hand at comedy. 3 pages of writing seems to produce 2 good jokes, so it's a bit like gold mining in some ways.

I dislike coding because I can't play with it. There's no fun in it like there is in gaming. Gaming throws the fun right in your face. You don't have to work for it like you do with coding. It's only 3 weeks in and I'm already falling out of love with assembly. Bummer.

Here comes the downswing.

And coding is so not like lego. There aren't nearly as many shapes and colours with coding as there are with lego. Nothing I try with coding fits together either. I can't chew code. I loved chewing lego. I think I might have even swallowed a few bits. Can't quite remember. You can't swallow code. It's not for you. It's for the machine.