Friday, October 30, 2009

#69 What, me? Worry?

I eh. Yeah.

That's a pretty good way to start. Getting well into the swing of college. Trampolining has its ups and downs (I'm really sorry about that). Got to the top of the K wall too. Maybe I'll beat the overhang next week. Thankfully, none of my exams clash this semester.

I tried Chrome the other day. It's quite nice. The skin was a bit fischer price but it worked nippily enough. A lot of the shortcuts were consistent with what I already know from Firefox. Groovy.

Maybe I'd be happier never knowing what I want to do. Sort of leaves a nothing to lose situation. Life's a bit more complicated than a zero sum game. It's just a shame it gets boiled down that way so often. Folks worry about folks who aren't sure where they're going. I figure everything is pretty awesome as it is, so why would I want to change it?

Anyways, that's a fine hornets nest right there. It's best not to kick it around. Going back to quiet is taking a little longer than I thought. Something's different? That's dynamism for you!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

#68 Plenty to choose from

Flaming Tit fell off a trampoline today. I've really no idea how it happened. Then in another incident, Flaming Tit tore a scab off his knee and started bleeding all over the trampoline. Flaming Tit is beginning to suspect the trampoline doesn't like him for some reason.

Of course after I'd whanged my head, I got dizzy. This made further progress... challenging. A fine story all the same. Rock climbing tomorrow. Certainly safer. Gravity is much more predictable with fewer physics involved.

The hornet nests have been a bit noisier than usual. Time to go back to being quiet. No reason to give them ammo. No reason at all.

Friday, October 16, 2009

#67 Forward's the way

I successfully failing at something my 10 year old self could do. I imagine he wouldn't be pleased. A fine tale could be contrived with my past selves of 5 year intervals.

Now, on the one hand, I could go back to doing nothing. This would mean folks on the phone would have nothing promising to tell people. I would be tacitly omitted (ooh, very nice) from the Christmas Newsletter. Existensialism would demand that I eventually disappear.

On the other hand, I could do something. It should be widely known at this stage that I am the luckiest and the most spoilt. Yet, I still complain. So, much easier then, than doing something would be not doing something, namely complaining. I can be confident when I say it betters no one and nothing. Misery without company soon disappears. Existensialism demands it.

Thankfully, very few people bother to read this drivel. I suppose it makes me feel a bit better, much like the man hanging the rags on the tree to stop worries getting over the threshold.

My stock might soon fetch a better price. I went rock climbing despite 2 man-sprained ankles, grazed elbows and gammy knees from trampolining. I even went trampolining again after rock climbing. Don't look up too quick or the sun will blind you.

Time to get back to my data mining homework.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

#66 We all fall down

And all things fail eventually. Even failure.

Oh what a merry mood I find myself in. My hard drives (or at least one of them) have decided to start making that nasty tick noise again. Be ye loreful, then thanks for the sympathy. Be ye not, then thanks for the understanding.

Only one other cause for upset I can rather put my hand to now. Assassins is a game running in college, and today I missed a rather golden opportunity. Thankfully, it is a game. I need only remind myself of this and begin to feel better.