Saturday, July 10, 2010

#99 I don't believe it

Figures. I started this blog then everything else started going wrong. Let's blame the blog.

I'll delete it on my birthday after post 100 and leave it on a usb key.

I hope you've all enjoyed reading the development of my philosophical ideas. I have decided that free will is unacceptable, until you consider the alternatives. Maybe I did choose. One quiet night brushing my teeth just before bed. Same as any other night really. Only that every day is different.

Now what was the point of all this you may ask? 0. It doesn't matter how many times you roll the dice or play the game. You wind up where you started. You win. You lose. Play again? Continue?


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

#98 Achk, later!

Can't write this now.

God demands we choose free will, even though he's deterministic. Quixotic much? (ha, spelled that right too!)

Yeah, you're alive.

Free will is choice. Choice relies on knowledge. Knowledge points to determinism to make the best choice. In a rational system of course. God is rational, right? Requires belief to exist? If so, how much? 51%? So if a war breaks out between two diametrically opposed religious factions, the fanatics kill each other off. Whoever is left on either side is either the victor or rational enough to realise religion is actually a bad idea that causes more problems than it solves.

Your span is so short young mayfly, yet ye do not despair. Our best minds die and wither just as they have come to maturity. An unlimited storage medium that has a time limit or a limited storage medium with no time limit.

A: God gave man choice
B: Man chose to create God

Good chicken egg style one there.

I took that Avonex on Independance day. Irony much? The human mind IOS looks like a lava lamp texturemapped with a black and white diamond tile pattern. The tiles are pretty small. Think Spectrum ZX graphics demo.

It might have been a dream.

I am forced into free will, because decisions made on my behalf won't leave me half as miserable or happy as my own. Flaming Tit would simply die.

Just hold together. Hold together dammit! If we can make it to 2037 we'll be in the clear.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

#97 You knew and could do nothing

Couldn't do anything about it. Something's different. You were right. Always were. Sorry I didn't listen. Now our eyes are screwed up and I don't see straight.

I am the Lord of Regrets. Once a prince, soon a king. My hound's name is hindsight. He has the usual two eyes and one to see back behind him. Smashing good nose too.

Something's different. Yes, now. We didn't choose. Did we? There may have been a bargain, but someone's not keeping up their end. Making up for it in other ways.

Don't deign to make rational decisions with irrational people. Why do I have a Scottish accent today? Because the irl who cancelled/kaiboshed/froze//killed my bank card having me self lost it with everything else in my wallet was in Edinburgh. Another point to the dog.

Aye, and it is lost now because you did something different. Why would anyone wish change with contentment? Men seem to work so hard to attain that which is a simple choice. They don't realise they can choose to be happy. But you don't believe in choice? It's just that it seems so minimal. What difference can I make. One starfish on one beach washed up, and among millions of other starfish and beaches, it was thrown back.

They have such strange beliefs. Totally irrational. You cannot argue with them. Even Dennett agrees. He'd never go to war against a golden army.

Spend your time on money, spend your money on sup. Though you may still be unhappy tis later you'll wake up. You look forward to that sliced instant between sleep and dismay when there's nothing and you're aware of it. If things were not rare, would we not desire them?

I'm only sick if you talk about it. Simply tell me I will be well, and I will be well.