Tuesday, November 24, 2009

#76 Double vision

My eyes are askew. This is upsetting.

I really haven nothing to be worried or upset about. I think I'm bugging myself about my lost USB key because it hasn't completely left my area of personal affect. It can wait.
It can wait. If only I could hasten and forget until its appointed time. Greater matters to attend to. Like exams.

My first exam is on Thursday. Data mining. Not looking forward to it. I have 1 good day left to study. I might have timed that visit a bit better, but I figure I can always repeat an exam. I can't repeat a good day out. The greater sceme of things records the better times spent.

Ha, now I'm upset because I've nothing to worry about. Irony. Aint it grand?

Friday, November 20, 2009

#75 Life's nothing like the movies

It was a good evening. I got a Christmas dinner for €6.50. Good deal. Happy Birthday Claire. Eyes are still a little skewey, but wearing my spectacles at a jaunty angle seems to alleviate the problem.

Efficiency seems to leave scan room for joy.

Lazy is worth 42 points in scrabble if you can get it on a triple word score.

The worst way to do something is not to do it at all, but that's not true.

My first exam is next week. Time to study!

#74 Ascending


Higher. Higher we go. 


Now we're ready. We know.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

#73 Blather

Time is getting cold. An am ciuin. Quiet time is now.

Eyes are out of focus. Almost time for sleep. Puns are never a good idea. Seems harder not to say anything.

I can forget and it'll be easy. One less thing. I'd learn a lot if I tried to solve it, but the odds are so slim I'm probably better off spending my time studying instead. 2 presumptions and a lot of variables. Second and third and fourth opinions. Scepticism.

I guess it's worth doing, but not right now. There are more important things to do right now. Time to go right now.

Blogging is dangerous. Uninformed opinion is dangerous.
Blogging is dangerous.

Monday, November 16, 2009

#72 Orion

Some crazy scientists in the 50s could have blown us all to pieces. I'm glad they didn't.

I'm totally falling asleep right now. I'm typing like a drunk. Whoa, are these my hands!? Far out!

Either way it'll be fine. Either way, I've nothing much to worry about.

My list has a few things on it. I have to give up on finding my USB key. It's a situation largely beyond my control and I'm presuming wayyy too much about the variables involved. Man, it's going to itch for another 2 weeks though. I've more important things to attend to. Exams are about to land. My psych project team need my writing skills. They'll get by fine without me but I want to help. They'd never even heard of a Flesch Kincaid before.

Google could stand to be a little faster.

I don't think I actually need my USB key. I suppose it's eating my liver because I'm worried about data misuse and identity theft, but that's under control.

Yoko Kanno's ELM sounds quite a bit like Seals Kiss from a Rose. Not too far apart chronologically either.

I wonder what'll happen to this blog in 100 years?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

#71 Things lost, things sought, things found

Data mining. Not sure why I bothered. Forensics is much more practical. 2 hours until the exam and I'm procrastinating. I'm surprised though, since there's really nothing else to worry about.

Hornet stung me last week. I'd rather not remember, but if you have seen my shiny silver USB key, I'd appriciate getting it back. Such a small trifle, but felt as such a great loss.

The lab I'm in now sounds like the forlorn plains of Valhalla, mostly because I'm sitting beside an air duct and it's raining buckets outside. Noisy buckets. Noisy wind.

What I imagine will console me in the end is knowning I did all I could with the knowledge and resources at my disposal. It is a setback to lost such a thing, most of all because I cannot remember what it conatined. To lose a trinket is but a minor annoyance. To lose an important memory is an agrievance.

Time will pass and we we lean more and more on magnetic signals and digital memory. Fo all our wants of ability to forget that which we'd rather not keep, there may well come a time when we can simply move our failings onto a small plastic chip and bury them for posterity. Would we learn? Maybe. If it is a memory of an old mistake that can prevent its reoccurance, then we might prefer to know the memories and mistakes of others. Worysome is the thought that experience might be bought.

The email server was down when I logged in earlier. Clemency, and my gratitude for it. This does not mean I'll stop trying to find my lost USB key. If a priest can be found in the jungle (I knew they'd get him back), then a key can be found on a campus.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

#70 Upswing

The body commands the mind at times. It would be nicer if it were the other way around.

Jack asked me to climb 8 walls today. So I did. My sinuses are packed like the Clearys sale but it's nice not to complain. It was wall 'O' that got me. Those footholds are tiny. 'A' is nice. The harness kept cutting into my back like a rusty butterknife, but I got there in the end.

We all get there in the end.

I'm tired now. The right kind of tired. I think it's time for sleep.